As a singer people are always suggesting music I should listen to or songs they think I should sing at my gigs. Very rarely do I ever come across a song or a band I haven't already heard of, but then again when it happens like today it normally blows me away!!
I just received an email a few minutes ago from a good friend suggesting I listen to Audience of One by a Band called - Cold War Kids, just the name intrigued me so I instantly went a searching for it.
From the opening of the chorus on the sample I was hooked, with a touch of Rock mixed with some Soul and Blue's it's a hybrid of emotion with a sense of Dignity. Nathan Willett (lead vocal, guitar, piano) has a voice filled with raw emotion that makes you feel as if he's singing about your own personal situation.The rest of this amazing band is made up of Jonathan Bo Russel (guitar, piano, vocals), Matt Aviero (drums, percussion) and Matt Maust (bass). This is a band singing about pain and emotion without the cheesiness attached.
I'm in Love with Audience of One and the band behind it Cold War Kids
Don't take my word for it though check out their music and see for yourself!!!
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