Crown Street in Sydney's Surrey Hills is becoming the place De jour for many a new cafe or restaurant some of them great and some not so great...
There definitely has being a huge gap between the pricey modern cafe/restaurant and the dingy/old and cheap places that have being around for yonks. Finally there comes a cafe that sits in the middle of that gap, funky and cool with great food and great prices my new favourite hang out called "four ate five" which of course is at number 485 Crown Street.
So whether you're just hankering after a great cup of coffee or need to fuel up on some DELICIOUS food then check them out. Have a chat to the cute and friendly staff and see what they're recommending for the day, everything on the menu is great but of course different people will whittle down the choices to their own favourites lol!!!
Maybe I'll see you there this weekend enjoying the great vibe and yummy food, but be prepared to line up for a table as it seems I'm not the only one who thinks they're fantastic :)
looks super cute my love..let's go x